Friday, September 19, 2008


I got Wall E a few months back but couldn't find EVE. Months passed and I forgot to look for her and then one day I just decided to check Amazon and I found one! So I ordered it. Finally, Wall E won't be alone anymore! But then the shipment kept getting delayed until I got an email asking if I wanted to cancel it. I said no. Then they sent me the delay, want to cancel message again. Again, I said no. At this point I was worried that I may never get it and poor Wall E will be alone forever, but I didn't want to give it up. So finally after months of waiting, EVE finally arrived! And I couldn't be more happier! I have bought Wall E and EVE together! I'm totally geeking out over them! It's actually really cute to see them interact together, it's like they're actually happy to be together!

1 comment:

Shaheed said...

make sure you manage to blog while in japan~