Monday, September 15, 2008


Here are some pics from My friends DUCKY art show on 9.5.08 @ the D-Structure gallery in Haight in San Francisco. It was a great night of art, friends and free booze in the hottest place in town, literally, it was fucking hot up in there!

Nigel's epic art prints!!!! DUCK LIFE!

Martin's work hogging up all the wall space.

More of Martins work, closer up.

Some awesome art from the DUCK show.

Here's Martin and no, that is not a tiny mirror.

Me and Niggizzle the artist formly known as Nigel. Word.

Me and the Oz looking suspicious...

Me and the MASato! Don't be fooled people, this guy is a professional model for abercrombie and fitch~ And those fingers in the back belong to Sandra, I think...

Very nice Derek Wong.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

look like fun!! Martin had some awesome work dude!! pass the word along for me eh!?
